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Product Image (MSO-5062D)

Metravi MSO-5062D Mixed Signal Oscilloscope

Price: 82187 INR/Piece

200MHz Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, Dual Channel DSO and 16 Channel Logic Analyzer, 1GSA/s sampling rate

Product Image (DSO-5070E)

Metravi DSO-5070E Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Price: 29677.00 - 85137.00 INR/Piece

70MHz DSO, 1GSa/Sec, with colored display, USB PC Interface cable and software.

Product Image (OS-5010A)

Metravi OS-5010A Analogue Oscilloscope

Price: 17827.00 INR/Piece

10MHz, single trace, analogue oscilloscope (We are accepting pre-orders for this product but the order would be shipped out as soon as we have it in stock, max. 15 days.)

Product Image (DSO-5200E)

Metravi DSO-5200E Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Price: 85137.00 INR/Piece

200MHz DSO, 1GSa/Sec, with colored display, USB PC Interface cable and software.

Product Image (DSO-5150E)

Metravi DSO-5150E Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Price: 79237.00 INR/Piece

150MHz DSO, 1GSa/Sec, with colored display, USB PC Interface cable and software.

Product Image (DSO-5100E)

Metravi DSO-5100E Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Price: 40297.00 INR/Piece

100MHz DSO, 1GSa/Sec, with colored display, USB PC Interface cable and software

Product Image (DSO-5070E)

Metravi DSO-5070E Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Price: 39117.00 INR/Piece

70MHz DSO, 1GSa/Sec, with colored display, USB PC Interface cable and software

Product Image (DSO-5050E)

Metravi DSO-5050E Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Price: 230000.00 INR/Piece

50MHz DSO, 500MSa/Sec, with colored display, USB PC Interface cable and software.

Product Image (DSO-5025E)

Metravi DSO-5025E Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Price: 29677.00 INR/Piece

25MHz DSO, 250MSa/Sec, with colored display, USB PC Interface cable and software.

Product Image (DSO-5140E)

Metravi DSO-5104E Four Channel Phosphor Digital Storage Oscilloscope

100MHz DSO with coloured display, 1GSa/Sec sampling rate with USB device & host interface. Increased auto-measure speed, improved UI, optimised software which reduces wait-time and fixed upper limit bandwidth distortion in multi-channel mode.

Product Image (DSO-5074E)

Metravi DSO-5074E Four Channel Phosphor Digital Storage Oscilloscope

70MHz DSO with coloured display, 1GSa/Sec sampling rate with USB device & host interface. Increased auto-measure speed, improved UI, optimised software which reduces wait-time and fixed upper limit bandwidth distortion in multi-channel mode.

Product Image (OS-5030)

Metravi OS-5030 Dual Channel Oscilloscope

Price: 33807.00 INR/Piece

30MHz, Dual Trace Dual Channel Oscilloscope

Product Image (OS-5020C)

Metravi OS-5020C Dual Channel Oscilloscope

Price: 33831.00 INR/Piece

20MHz, Dual Trace Dual Channel Oscilloscope with component tester

Product Image (OS-5020C)

Metravi OS-5020 Dual Channel Oscilloscope

Price: 31447.00 INR/Piece

20MHz, Dual Trace Dual Channel Oscilloscope

Product Image (PD-205)

Metravi PD-20S Oscilloscope High Voltage Probe

Price: 9617.00 INR/Piece

High Voltage Probe to be used with any oscilloscope (Analogue or Digital Storage) to measure High Voltage Waveform of 30kV DC and 20kV AC.

Product Image (MSO-5020D)

Metravi MSO-5202D Mixed Signal Oscilloscope

Price: 94577.00 INR/Piece

60MHz Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, Dual Channel DSO and 16 Channel Logic Analyzer, 1GSA/s sampling rate

Product Image (MSO-5102D)

Metravi MSO-5102D Mixed Signal Oscilloscope

Price: 82187.00 INR/Piece

100MHz Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, Dual Channel DSO and 16 Channel Logic Analyzer, 1GSA/s sampling rate

Product Image (MSO-5062D)

MSO-5062D Mixed Signal Oscilloscope

Price: 75697.00 INR/Piece

200MHz Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, Dual Channel DSO and 16 Channel Logic Analyzer, 1GSA/s sampling rate

Product Image (7200)

Metravi 7200 Oscillometer

Price: 389577.00 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:10 Per Day
Product Image (700S)

Metravi 700S Multimeter with built-in Oscillometer

Price: 68,617.00 INR/Piece

10MHz Hand Held Digital Storag Oscilloscope with 50,000 Counts multimeter

Product Image (DSO-2250)

Metravi DSO-2250 PC-based Digital Storage Dual Channel Oscilloscope

Price: 46197.00 INR/Piece

Dual Channel 100MHz PC Based DSO with USB PC interface cable and software

Product Image (DSO-2150)

Metravi DSO-2150 PC-based Digital Storage Dual Channel Oscilloscope

Price: 35577.00 INR/Piece

Dual Channel 60MHz PC Based DSO with USB PC interface cable & software

Product Image (DSO-2090)

Metravi DSO-2090 PC-based Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Price: 29677.00 INR/Piece

Dual Channel 40MHz PC Based DSO with USB PC interface cable & software